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Importance of Integrity

Why is integrity important for project management?

Let me start with few phrases/definitions from PMI:

“PMI members have determined that honesty, responsibility, respect and fairness are the values that drive ethical conduct for the project management profession.”

“All PMI members, volunteers, certification holders and certification applicants must comply with the Code.”

“As practitioners of project management, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable.”

Of all the leadership traits and skills you need to have to be successful in Project Management, integrity is the one you cant go without. Moreover, if you do not lead with integrity, all other leadership traits are in vain. It is also the only one you do not have to “learn”.

It takes a long time, effort, tough decisions and sacrifices to build the reputation of ethical leader with integrity. On the other hand, only one mistake or wrong decision could ruin it all.

So, what does it mean to manage projects with integrity? What exactly you should and shouldn’t do?

  • Always tell the truth. Do not twist the facts or use ambiguous wording, regardless of the consequences,
  • Do not hide the information, each and every report is a complete truth about the current project status,
  • Do not manipulate people,
  • Always respect commitments you took and deliver results as agreed and promised,
  • Take responsibility for the results and do not put the blame on others,
  • Confront the problems and issues directly, argue openly and honestly even if others will not like the answers,
  • Give acknowledgment to those who deserved it regardless of the circumstances and other factors,
  • Provide support to those in need whenever is needed.

Pretty simple, right? 

Well, there are many challenges along the way. They are especially tempting and harder to recognize when you are younger. Moreover, when you are younger you are not aware of the full consequences and impact of non-ethical behavior and pressures from seniors are harder to withstand.

What are the challenges? The biggest danger lies in the fact that you might not be aware of the situations when your integrity is tested.

Let me mention some of the most common situations that can challenge us and tempt us into wrongdoing:

  • Pressure from society, friend and family to be successful, at all costs. Pressure from management and clients.
  • Temptation to climb the corporate ladder faster by taking shortcuts. Temptation to earn more money or some other material benefits.
  • Willingness to help others when they are in trouble. White and small lies, we perceive as insignificant.
  • Fear of failure or losing the opportunity. Fear of being perceived as incompetent.
  • Not paying attention at some important moments or wrongly assessed situation.
  • Conflict of interest or priorities.

All these things can put us in the situation to make bad judgment and be dishonest. Especially when we are pressed with time.

If we become aware of these challenges, we will be prepared and almost always be able to make the right decision.

As you grow and gain more experience to recognize these challenges, you will be more resilient and capable of maintaining the reputation. On the other hand, that also means that the younger you are the more important it is for you to keep your integrity intact as it will pay off sooner rather than later.

It may look like at times that you are passing “good” opportunities and that maybe you would be better off with cutting corners and taking short cuts to success. On the long run, managing projects with Integrity pays off. 

To sum it up.

No matter how hard at one moment is to make the right decision, right after we made it we will know that we have done the right thing.

Every time we act ethically we become more resilient and decisive to act in the same way in the future.

We make an example to others and influence them in doing the right thing and behave ethically as well.

When we behave ethically, we have all the rights to demand and expect the same from others.

During my trainings I always set aside time for workshop/session dedicated to Integrity. It is one of the most important leadership traits and I strongly believe that one can't Manage projects successfully without it.


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